Real Stories

Featured Teacher: Tina Boehm

Teacher’s School:

New Palestine High School

Can you describe how this teacher/educator has made an impact on you? What makes them stand out?

She has stood by beside me every step of the way and made sure that I was okay and made sure that I had everything I needed. She was also the reason that I even came to this camp (Teacher Prep Academy).

What qualities do they have that you admire in a teacher/educator?

She knows how to listen, creates a space that kids feel comfortable with, and is open and talks to us.

How does this teacher/educator encourage you to grow as a student or as an individual?

She encourages me to grow because she always has conversations with me about how she thinks I could be a good teacher.

Do you have a particular moment or memory with this teacher/educator that shows the positive influence they have had on your educational experience?

During child development, we did a shaving cream activity, and it was just overall a really good experience.

What valuable lessons have you learned from this teacher/educator?

I’ve learned that being present is really important within it all.

What would you say to this teacher/educator to let them know that they have made a difference?

I look forward to her class because she’s chill and knows how to be a good teacher.